Congrats on your training! I wish I had the morpho books when I started. They are amazing. One thing I recommend is learning intuitive perspective straight away. You can do this by fervently doing the free course at or by getting a good fundamental class like proko's drawing basics course. Also I don't know where specificly to find one but an art mentor who you trust, will help you immensely. I look forward to seeing your progress and will be cheering from the sidelines.
Congrats on your training! I wish I had the morpho books when I started. They are amazing. One thing I recommend is learning intuitive perspective straight away. You can do this by fervently doing the free course at or by getting a good fundamental class like proko's drawing basics course. Also I don't know where specificly to find one but an art mentor who you trust, will help you immensely. I look forward to seeing your progress and will be cheering from the sidelines.
thank you